Working parents don’t have it easy. We know that school holidays are a tough time and support you in creating a fun and learning environment for your child during the holidays. While this service is mainly used by our former preschoolers, all children are welcome to join us at our aftercare and holiday programme.


Let them connect with others

Aftercare is a great way of making sure your child gets the homework done and has supervised fun with other children in the afternoon. Most parents combine this service with our shuttle to the major schools in the area. We pick your child up after school and after a light snack, homework will be done before we go out and play. Of course, we keep you updated at all times.

You are welcome to ask us for additional help, we are well connected to tutors to help getting some marks pushed up.

Ask us about the service and we are sure we can make your life a little simpler.

Let Them Explore

Holiday Programme

It is very common that you would want to save your annual leave towards a nice long summer holiday. With all the school holidays during the year that is a challenge. Let Them Grow offers a holiday programme for children up to and including 7 years during the holidays and provides a safe and fun environment to play and run around.

So when granny offers to take care of your child during the next holiday, ask yourself, do you want him to be sitting in front of a TV or playing by himself? Or would you like your child to enjoy our playground, park and extra murals paired with healthy organic food and if you wish, some extra tutoring?

Let Them Grow is there for you, no matter if it’s a half day or the full day – your child is in good hands with us.

Enrollment Contact

We Would Love To Hear From You

Feel free to contact us and we will be more than happy to answer all of your questions about enrollment.